Landing fees

by | 2018-12-12


Landing fees at airports and aerodromes should in principle unite the pilot community. Surprisingly, sometimes, this is not the case. One must understand that these fees are nothing more than taxes applied directly to aircraft operators by organisations running the properties on a monopolistic base. Those administrations are often one of the three levels of government or one that reports itself as non-lucrative.

Any tax in this economic world will produce sooner or later a deterrent effect. The administrations are evidently free to apply these taxes at their own will. Notwithstanding that they could be published.

In relation to general and leisure aviation with it’s annual load of trafic, how much revenus can really be extracted? We are not mixing huge numbers here. The economic advantage issued from general aviation stems mostly from sales of fuel and oil, aircraft maintenance, gatherings, insurance premiums paid and exterior or interior parkings.

One would think the regional economic development would partly be energized by healthy air transport. Just ask a « Madelinot »! Clearly as far as business is concerned, everyone want’s their cut, it is fair play. When the private community enters the picture, those landings fees frankly loose their appeal.

One must distinguish landing fees from parking fees and terminal building use fees.

Other that generating miniature revenus for the administrations, landing fees applicable to « light » private owners are excellent deterrents. Thing about Trudeau (CYUL). Regarding trafic volume, the property is fairly busy, no doubt: getting a 172 to land between two triple 7’s demands gymnastics. They simply do not wish to see light trafic. Lesage (CYQB) a mere 20 minutes away by Dash 8 also demands attention for trafic. Arguably much more quiet despite their effort to improve in this direction. Forget it, they still ousted the private owners who had settled there decades before. On the subject we can only salute the great courage and total success of founders of Neuville (CNV9) a well run aerodrome 20 minutes driving from the city of Québec.

Airport monopoly

Facing the monopoly that enjoy airport administration, the privates of this world can still choose their destination. The culprit is that there exists no centralized reference that lists landing fees. The CFS (Canadian Flight Supplement) rarely indicates that landing fees « may apply ». Often Transport Canada properties are indicated as such. Otherwise why would you want to publish that you will tax people?

In order to evaluate those fees, one may depend on rumours or personal experience. Regularly those taxes are clumsily applied, creating a problem to publish them in Canada. In the Western world, aeronautical taxation systems rely on weight of aircraft then on the type of operation, provide or commercial.

The table presented below, displays certain airports with their respective landing fees. This database is far from complete but those show different destination of interest. You are welcome to communicate details of other sights. I will gladly post them on a separate link.

Please note that Transport Canada properties all use the same scale system for landing fees. It can be found under « Air Services Charges Regulations DORs/85-414 AERONAUTICS ACT », TC does not charge landing fees to light private aircraft.

For other destinations posted, often many classes of weight are used, this table only deals with 4000 kg or less equipment and also according to noted remarks.

Frais d'atterrissages / Landing fees

La liste sera mise à jour / The list will be updated.
CYBC8,55 $0 à 21000kg
CYBG13,56 $0 à 9 passagers
CYDOMonomoteurs: 0
Bimoteurs: 20$
Monomoteurs maximum 4 places
CYEY5,92$/1000 kg
CYGRNilPropriété TC
CYGVNilPropriété TC
CYHU11,94 $0 à 2000 kg
CYLQMonomoteurs: 0
Bimoteurs: 30$
CYMLNil0 à 2000 kg
CYMX19,34 $
CYRIMonomoteurs: 5$
Bimoteurs: 20$
Nil si du carburant est commandé
CYRQMonomoteurs: 0
Bimoteurs: 23$
Tous turbopropulseurs sont facturés
CYUL45,12 $
CYUYNil0 à 2000 kg
CYXK13$/1000 kgTranches de 1000 kg arrondies au plus bas
CYZVNilPropriété TC
KBTVNilAéroport international idéal pour passer les douanes en route vers le sud
CYKL60,32$No service.


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Frais d'atterrissages / Landing fees

La liste sera mise à jour / The list will be updated.
CYBC8,55 $0 à 21000kg
CYBG13,56 $0 à 9 passagers
CYDOMonomoteurs: 0
Bimoteurs: 20$
Monomoteurs maximum 4 places
CYEY5,92$/1000 kg
CYGRNilPropriété TC
CYGVNilPropriété TC
CYHU11,94 $0 à 2000 kg
CYLQMonomoteurs: 0
Bimoteurs: 30$
CYMLNil0 à 2000 kg
CYMX19,34 $
CYRIMonomoteurs: 5$
Bimoteurs: 20$
Nil si du carburant est commandé
CYRQMonomoteurs: 0
Bimoteurs: 23$
Tous turbopropulseurs sont facturés
CYUL45,12 $
CYUYNil0 à 2000 kg
CYXK13$/1000 kgTranches de 1000 kg arrondies au plus bas
CYZVNilPropriété TC
KBTVNilAéroport international idéal pour passer les douanes en route vers le sud
CYKL60,32$No service.


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